3/8 lime fines/paver fines: Perfect for a base for pavers and retaining walls 21 AA lime:used for driveways, walking paths and base material for sheds Crushed concrete: can be used for driveways, roadsides and drainage projects ROAD GRAVEL:RECYCLED CRUSHED STONE Perfect FOR WALKWAYS AND DRIVEWAYS CRUSHED ASPHALT: durable and ecofriendly material uSED FOR DRIVEWAYS, FOUNDATIONS and FILL MATERIAL 3/4 minus: This product's durability makes it great for driveways, under sheds and walking paths Pea stone: smooth rounded rocks used for playgrounds and underground/drainage projects 1"-3" river rock: Landscape stone used for landscape beds, ponds and dry creek beds 3"-8" stone: Landscape stone used for drainage, dry creek beds, landscape beds and ground covers 10"-16" stone: used for retaining walls or to add texture/color to beds and gardens